I am trying to bulk load data into janusgraph. I am trying to follow bulk load recommendations I am strugling with point (d) which is "Add all the edges using the map to look-up JanusGraph’s vertex id and retrieving the vertices using that id"
My current code(scala) looks like
val key = Key[String]("Key")
val sLabel : StepLabel[Vertex] = StepLabel("target")
case (src, edgeType, dest) =>
graph.V().has(key, dest).as(sLabel).traversal.V().has(key, src).addE(edgeType).to(sLabel).traversal
.property("propertyKey", "propertyValue")
I have vertexId of source and dest vertex but I am unable to figureout how to change this code to create edge using vertexIds.
I am quite new to gremlin, any help would be appreciated.
case (idSrc, edgeType, idDest) =>