I have a listbox named lstAvailable and i am trying to send the values selected from it into a table. But i get an error saying syntax error in Insert Into statement. Machine Subsystem ID,NewComponents are of type integer and MO_TAG and Components_Detail is of text type
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim sSQL As String
Dim nRid As Long
Dim nEid As Long
Dim nEid1 As String
Dim nEid2 As String
Dim varRow As Variant
nRid = listMachineSubSystem.Column(1)
For Each varRow In lstAvailable.ItemsSelected
nEid = lstAvailable.Column(0, varRow)
nEid1 = lstAvailable.Column(2, varRow)
nEid2 = lstAvailable.Column(3, varRow)
sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblComponents ([Machine Subsystem ID], [NewComponents], [MO_TAG], [Components_Detail])" _
& " VALUES (" & nRid & ", " & nEid & ", " & nEid1 & ", " & nEid2 & ");"
'Debug.Print "Insert " & sSQL
CurrentDb.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
Maybe this will help?:
sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblComponents ([Machine Subsystem ID], [NewComponents], [MO_TAG], [Components_Detail])" _
& " VALUES (" & nRid & ", " & nEid & ", '" & nEid1 & "', '" & nEid2 & "');"
I added some ' ' where the Strings are in the value brackets.
[Machine Subsystem ID]
Shouldn't this be only one word like Machine_Subsystem_ID?