I am using community Edition of SonarQube v7.0 . I am trying to get Cobertura code coverage results from my Jenkins Job. Cobertura and SonarQube are configured correctly in Jenkins. I can see the sonar results in my sonar local host but not the Cobertura code coverage results. I looked up and found the Cobertura-Sonar Plugin in Plugin Library (https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/PLUG/Plugin+Library) But, when i search in Sonarqube as an admin at Administration-> MarketPlace, I don't see the plugin.
How can I get the plugin?
According to the Plugin Version Matrix, the Cobertura plugin isn't compatible beyond SonarQube 6.0. There were API changes in 6.1 that the Cobertura plugin was never updated to address.