Today I've managed to get a connection from a Opel Ampera to my Notebook over CAN. I used a "Tiny CAN II XL" with the software "busmaster".
There exist many list of CAN ID's for several cars. Sadly I haven't found the ID of the Steering Angle Sensor for an Opel Ampera. A Chrysler Volt should have the same ID's, but didn't found its ID either.
Does one of you know, on which ID I could take a look?
Reverse engineering of the CAN bus would be another way I guess. Busmaster didn't allow me much filtering. I think there aren't many more programms which work with the "Tiny CAN II XL". Just looking on the raw data by eye didn't worked so far... Any ideas how I could find the changing value and deducing the SAS with this setup?
As mentioned by Youtuber DanH142, who's been using a Chrysler Volt to play Mario Cart, the Steering Wheel Angle is on 0x1E5
I've tested that with the Opel Ampera. Seems to work!