Here is the custom end points What i have created here for getting all themes. But in json it’s not returning result as expected.
add_action( ‘rest_api_init’, function () {
//Path to rest endpoint
register_rest_route( ‘theme/v1’, ‘/get_theme_list/’, array(
‘methods’ => ‘GET’,
‘callback’ => ‘theme_list_function’
) );
// Our function to get the themes
function theme_list_function(){
// Get a list of themes
$list = wp_get_themes();
// Return the value
return $list;
If I can see simply the wp_get_themes() function it will return all the themes and its description in arrays. and It’s return fine in arrays but when i am encoding this into json to pass data its returning only array keys.
Producing only key name like in this way
All: {"basepress":{"update":false},"codilight-lite":{"update":false},"twentyfifteen":{"update":false},"twentyseventeen":{"update":false},"twentysixteen-child":{"update":false},"twentysixteen":{"update":false}}
I need all the information about the themes.
How can i do that with custom REST end points.
Please help.
Try this code
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
//Path to rest endpoint
register_rest_route( 'theme/v1', '/get_theme_list/', array('methods' => 'GET','callback' => 'theme_list_function') );
// Our function to get the themes
function theme_list_function(){
// Get a list of themes
$list = wp_get_themes();
$varTheme = array();
foreach($list as $theme=>$value){
$varTheme[$theme] = (array)$value;
return $varTheme;