I wonder what is the best solution to mutualize code between these 2 methods in javascript:
async getAllActiveRooms(ctx: ?ContextType): Promise<RoomType[]> {
//log getAllActiveRooms
return this.i.knex('users_rooms')
.transacting(ctx ? ctx.transaction : null)
.leftJoin('rooms', 'users_rooms.roomId', 'rooms.id')
.where('active', true);
async getActiveRoomsBySessionId(ctx: ?ContextType, sessionId: number): Promise<RoomType[]> {
//log getAllActiveRooms
return this.i.knex('users_rooms')
.transacting(ctx ? ctx.transaction : null)
.leftJoin('rooms', 'users_rooms.roomId', 'rooms.id')
.where('active', true)
Thank you
You can reuse getAllActiveRooms
by changing its return type to knex's QueryBuilder
which extends Bluebird's promise interface.
You will lose the RoomType[]
promise payload type though since it extends Bluebird<any>
From knex's latest type definition (QueryBuilder
extends ChainableInterface
interface QueryBuilder extends QueryInterface, ChainableInterface {
or: QueryBuilder;
and: QueryBuilder;
//TODO: Promise?
columnInfo(column?: string): Bluebird<ColumnInfo>;
forUpdate(): QueryBuilder;
forShare(): QueryBuilder;
toSQL(): Sql;
on(event: string, callback: Function): QueryBuilder;
interface ChainableInterface extends Bluebird<any> {
toQuery(): string;
options(options: any): QueryBuilder;
stream(callback: (readable: stream.PassThrough) => any): Bluebird<any>;
stream(options?: { [key: string]: any }): stream.PassThrough;
stream(options: { [key: string]: any }, callback: (readable: stream.PassThrough) => any): Bluebird<any>;
pipe(writable: any): stream.PassThrough;
exec(callback: Function): QueryBuilder;
async getAllActiveRooms(ctx: ?ContextType): QueryBuilder {
//log getAllActiveRooms
return this.i.knex('users_rooms')
.transacting(ctx ? ctx.transaction : null)
.leftJoin('rooms', 'users_rooms.roomId', 'rooms.id')
.where('active', true);
async getActiveRoomsBySessionId(ctx: ?ContextType, sessionId: number): Promise<RoomType[]> {
//log getAllActiveRooms
return this.getAllActiveRooms(ctx)