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Make seaborn show a colorbar instead of a legend when using hue in a bar plot?

Let's say I want to make a bar plot where the hue of the bars represents some continuous quantity. e.g.

import seaborn as sns
titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic")
g = titanic.groupby('pclass')
survival_rates = g['survived'].mean()
n = g.size()
ax = sns.barplot(x=n.index, y=n,
           hue=survival_rates, palette='Reds',
ax.set_ylabel('n passengers')

bar plot drawn by sns

The legend here is kind of silly, and gets even worse the more bars I plot. What would make most sense is a colorbar (such as are used when calling sns.heatmap). Is there a way to make seaborn do this?


  • This answer is inefficient because it produces a plot, which is then deleted.

    Instead, create a ScalarMappable as input for the colorbar.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic")
    g = titanic.groupby('pclass')
    survival_rates = g['survived'].mean()
    n = g.size()
    norm = plt.Normalize(survival_rates.min(), survival_rates.max())
    sm ="Reds", norm=norm)
    ax = sns.barplot(x=n.index, y=n, hue=survival_rates, palette='Reds', 
    ax.set_ylabel('n passengers')
    ax.figure.colorbar(sm, ax=ax)

    enter image description here