FIrst of all, I'm asking here because there's neither a fast answer to usage of pointers in node ffi neither about pointers to structs, this is going to help
Here's my node ffi:
const struct_in_addr = Struct({
's_addr': 'ulong',
const struct_sockaddr_in = Struct({
'sin_family': 'short',
'sin_port' : 'ushort',
'in_addr' : struct_in_addr,
'sin_zero' : 'char',
var redir = ffi.Library('./libredir', {
//'main' : [ 'int' , [ 'int', 'char* []' ] ],
//'parse_args' : [ 'void', [ 'int', 'char* []' ] ],
'target_init' : [ 'int' , [ 'char *', 'int', [ struct_sockaddr_in, "pointer" ]] ],
'target_connect' : [ 'int' , [ 'int', [ struct_sockaddr_in, "pointer" ] ] ],
'client_accept' : [ 'int' , [ 'int', [ struct_sockaddr_in, "pointer" ] ] ],
'server_socket' : [ 'int' , [ 'char *', 'int', 'int' ] ],
Here's the signature of target_init as an example:
int target_init(char *addr, int port, struct sockaddr_in *target)
Here's what I'm getting:
throw new TypeError('could not determine a proper "type" from: ' + JSON.stringify(type))
TypeError: could not determine a proper "type" from: [null,"pointer"]
at coerceType (/home/lz/redir-controller/node_modules/ref/lib/ref.js:397:11)
at (<anonymous>)
I'm using and compiling with gcc -shared -fpic redir.c -o
I suspect it's a problem with struct_sockaddr_in
but everything seems ok. I even tried to do as in by doing:
const _struct_sockaddr_in = Struct({
'sin_family': 'short',
'sin_port' : 'ushort',
'in_addr' : struct_in_addr,
'sin_zero' : 'char',
struct_sockaddr_in = ref.refType(_struct_sockaddr_in);
but now I get
TypeError: could not determine a proper "type" from: [{"indirection":2,"name":"StructType*"},"pointer"]
I don't know where I took 'pointer'
from, but the followin works:
const struct_in_addr = Struct({
's_addr': 'ulong',
const _struct_sockaddr_in = Struct({
'sin_family': 'short',
'sin_port' : 'ushort',
'in_addr' : struct_in_addr,
'sin_zero' : 'char',
struct_sockaddr_in = ref.refType(_struct_sockaddr_in);
const redir = ffi.Library('./libredir', {
//'main' : [ 'int' , [ 'int', 'char* []' ] ],
//'parse_args' : [ 'void', [ 'int', 'char* []' ] ],
'target_init' : [ 'int' , [ 'char *', 'int', struct_sockaddr_in ] ],
'target_connect' : [ 'int' , [ 'int', struct_sockaddr_in ] ],
'client_accept' : [ 'int' , [ 'int', struct_sockaddr_in ] ],
'server_socket' : [ 'int' , [ 'char *', 'int', 'int' ] ],