I realize that:
sudo -i
is different from:
sudo -i
sudo env
They are both sudo, why are they different?
In my case, I realize the PATHs are very different, so sometimes things can't run with "sudo blah" but it works when I first log into sudo, then run the command. (Like my other question #4976658)
There are expected differences, such as SUDO_USER
, and SUDO_GID
And then there is PATH
When you run
sudo -i
you should expect root's PATH
, but when you run
sudo -i
sudo env
you should expect a default PATH
I think you will find that this is due to the "secure path" option, that both Ubuntu and Fedora have adopted.
I agree it's annoying. There are many other threads about this behavior. :-/
For example, see this stackoverflow thread: sudo changes PATH - why?