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Kotlin: How do I call a DialogFragment from within an Adapter class?

I have a MainAdapter.kt class that handles a RecyclerView. In its Holder class, I use a OnLongClickListener that calls a function deleteCategory(categoryId) to delete an entry in my Firebase database. This works perfectly:

class CategoryHolder(val customView: View, var category: Category? = null) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(customView) {
    private val TAG =

    fun bind(category: Category) {
        with(category) {
            customView.textView_name?.text =
            customView.textView_description?.text = category.description

            val categoryId =

            customView.setOnClickListener {
                    // do something


    private fun deleteCategory(categoryId: String) {
        val database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance()

        val myRef = database.getReference("categories").child(categoryId)
        Log.d(TAG, "Category with id " + categoryId + " deleted")

But I rather want to call a function inside a DialogFragment class instead of the deleteCategory(id) function, like this:

  // Create an instance of a DeleteCategoryDialogFragment and show it
  fun showDeleteCategoryDialog(view: View, categoryId: String) {
      val dialog = DeleteCategoryDialogFragment.newInstance(categoryId), 

This gives me a "Unresolved reference: @MainActivity" error. How can I solve this? Is there a way to get hold of categoryId (of type String) in my MainActivity? This would allow me to move the function showDeleteCategoryDialog to MainActivity and solve the problem.


  • You can not refer to your MainActivity like your code above. You have to cast the context of your ViewHolder as MainActivity before using it:

    val activity =  itemView.context as? MainActivity
    // then you can show your dialog with activity?.supportFragmentManager