I have successfully setup GEM5 in fs mode and with DRAMSim2 memory type. The command I am using is:
build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/fs.py --disk-image=/home/prakhar/full_system_2/disks/linux-arm-ael.img --mem-type=DRAMSim2
Everything is working fine. Now, I have added some comments in DRAMSim2 code to analyze the flow of code and to study command sequence. Then, I have again compile the ARM system to save the changes.
scons build/ARM/gem5.opt
Now, when I am running gem5 arm in fs mode again, it is just showing the comments of refresh commands. Like this:
6 0----------
6 0----------
6 0----------
6 0----------
6 0----------
6 0----------
6 0----------
6 0----------
6 0----------
Why can't I see other commands like ACT,READ,WRITE etc.There should be some read,write,act even when the OS is booting up? I have added comments in /gem5/ext/dramsim2/DRAMSim2/MemoryController.cpp
Steps to add DRAMSim2 in gem5:
In the ext/dramsim2/DRAMSim2 there is a file MemoryController.cpp.In that file there is a function update().There is a switch-case of different commands like READ,WRITE,ACTIVATE.In respective cases for each command i have added cout like cout<<"read...." in read case, cout<<"refresh..." for refresh case. Again rebuild the system and run with fs mode and --mem-type=DRAMSim2. Now i m just getting comments of "refresh...." and not others, but there should be other comments also like "read..." and all as there is some read,write,activate while booting of OS.
I was trying yesterday and got the solution. Initially i was using the command:
build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/fs.py --disk-image=/home/prakhar/full_system_2/disks/linux-arm-ael.img --mem-type=DRAMSim2
In this command the default cpu type is AtomicSimpleCpu , which was only giving refresh commands.Now i have specified cpu type as TimingSimpleCPU and it is giving all commands.
The command is:
build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/fs.py --disk-image=/home/prakhar/full_system_2/disks/linux-arm-ael.img --mem-type=DRAMSim2 --cpu-type=TimingSimpleCPU