I have a query which takes a long time to run. It is probably because I used too many isnulls
in the join condition. How can I optimise it by removing the isnull
Is there any alternate way without updating the table? The query is given below:
select pos.C_id
,0 is_pub
, 1 is_adj
,getdate() date
,getdate() timestamp
from #temp pos
left join acc c with(nolock) ON pos._id = c.c_id
AND pos.account_id = c.account_id
AND isnull(pos.Pr_id,0) = isnull(c.pr_id,0)
AND isnull(pos.prog_id,0) = isnull(c.prog_id,0)
AND isnull(pos.port_id,0) = isnull(c.port_id,0)
and isnull(pos.style_type_id,0)=isnull(c.s_type_id,0)
AND pos.s_id = c._id
AND pos.c_id = c.c_id
AND pos.s_type = c.s_type
AND pos.is_unsup = c.is_uns
AND pos.is_pub = 1
where c.a_id is null
try using
AND (pos.Pr_id = c.pr_id OR (pos.Pr_id IS NULL AND c.pr_id IS NULL))
instead of
AND ISNULL(pos.Pr_id,0) = ISNULL(c.pr_id,0)
IS NULL is more efficient than ISNULL