I have about 4000 markers on the GoogleMap and I am not using clustering. So, at the moment what I do to show/ hide markers on map is below.
marker.map = nil
marker.map = mapView
There are some cases where I need to filter out some markers and make them visible else should be hidden. So I can achieve it with about code but with a cost to time.
markers.forEach { (marker) in
if !arrDeviceID.contains(marker.deviceID ?? "") {
marker.map = nil
} else {
marker.map = self.googleMapView
Same thing in Android there is a property Visibility
which is working perfect and fast. But in iOS there is no such property.
So what can I do to improve performance.
lets say this is your markers array
var markers = [GMSMarker]()
prepare dictionary of markers, lets assume your device id is in Int
func prepareMarkersDict(markers:[GMSMarker]) -> [Int:GMSMarker]{
var markerDict = [Int:GMSMarker]()
for marker in markers{
markerDict[marker. deviceID] = marker
return markerDict
your array of device id which you wants to hide
var arrDeviceIDToHide = [Int]()
now iterate it and hide the marker
let markerDict = prepareMarkersDict(markers:markers)
for deviceId in arrDeviceIDToHide{
let marker = markerDict[deviceId]
marker?.map = nil