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REPLACE in Oracle 10g not working as I expected, can anyone explain?

I am using oracle 10g express.

I have a table named artists_i_hate, I have simplified to illustrate the problem clearer

ID | Name       | Opinion
11 | jamesblunt | i hate him 

I run the statement

SELECT * FROM artists_i_hate WHERE to_char(ID)=REPLACE(to_char(1.1), '.');

Why do I get 'no data found' I can't find an explanation anywhere in the documentation.

btw I am aware that the following works:

SELECT * FROM artists_i_hate WHERE to_char(ID)=REGEXP_REPLACE(to_char(1.1), '[^0-9]');

So I am thinking the other statement doesn't work because it doesn't like replacing certain symbols.


Pending testing on original environment having read first 2 responses


  • It may depend on NLS settings as, in some languages the . is not the decimal separator so to_char(1.1) would NOT give '1.1'

    SQL> alter session set nls_numeric_characters = ',.';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select to_char(12.34) from dual;

    In which case the REPLACE wouldn't change anything and therefore the ID wouldn't match.

    PS. If this is the issue, one fix would be

    select to_char(1.25,'999.99','NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,') FROM DUAL