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Convert UTC Time Stamp to Date and Time in U-SQL

I'm fairly new to U-SQL so this may be a simple question.

I have a field, [utc_timestamp], in an ADL table with a unix time stamp in the form "1497178877" which measures the number of seconds from 1970-01-01.

Is there any easy way to convert this time stamp in U-SQL to both a date in the form of "2017-06-11" and a date time object?

My initial attempt didn't seem to work quite right.


  • @table = 
        ( VALUES
        ) AS T(seconds);
    DECLARE @dateStart = new DateTime(1970, 01, 01);
    @result = 
    SELECT  @dateStart.AddSeconds(seconds).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") AS newDateString,
            @dateStart.AddSeconds(seconds) AS newDate
    FROM @table;
    OUTPUT @result
    TO "/Temp/Dates/Example1.txt"
    USING Outputters.Tsv();