I'm using vue-cli version 3.x.
I've added a vue.config.js file:
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
const plugin = autoprefixer({ grid: true });
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: config => {
//get the index of the scss rule
let index = config.module.rules.findIndex(item => item.test.test("*.scss"));
const rule = config.module.rules[index];
//get the index of the postcss-loader config
let postCssIdx = rule.use.findIndex(
item => item.loader === "postcss-loader"
//add the autoprefixer plugin
config.module.rules[index].use[postCssIdx].options = {
plugins: [plugin]
But although I've set grid:true
in the options, the grid attributes are not prefixed.
What am i missing?
Finally got it, The rule i extended is the rule for external scss files, but it does not apply to styles in .vue files.
So i needed to update the vue-loader configuration and add autoprefixer there:
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
const plugin = autoprefixer({ grid: true });
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: config => {
//1. Define autoprefixer for external scss
//get the index of the scss rule
let index = config.module.rules.findIndex(item => item.test.test("*.scss"));
let rule = config.module.rules[index];
//get the index of the postcss-loader config
let postCssIdx = rule.use.findIndex(
item => item.loader === "postcss-loader"
const postcssOptions = rule.use[postCssIdx].options;
//add the autoprefixer plugin
config.module.rules[index].use[postCssIdx].options = {
plugins: [plugin]
//2. Define autoprefixer for vue files
index = config.module.rules.findIndex(item => item.test.test("*.vue"));
rule = config.module.rules[index];
rule.use[0].options = {
postcss: {
plugins: [plugin]