I am in the process of implementing a lens glow effect for my engine.
However, attempting to use an occlusion query only returns true when the fragments in question are completely occluded.
Perhaps the problem lies in that I am manually writing to the z-value of each vertex, since I am using a logarithmic depth buffer. However, I am not sure why this would affect occlusion testing.
Here are the relevant code snippets:
public class Query implements Disposable{
private final int id;
private final int type;
private boolean inUse = false;
public Query(int type){
this.type = type;
int[] arr = new int[1];
id = arr[0];
public void start(){
Gdx.gl30.glBeginQuery(type, id);
inUse = true;
public void end(){
public boolean isResultReady(){
IntBuffer result = BufferUtils.newIntBuffer(1);
Gdx.gl30.glGetQueryObjectuiv(id,Gdx.gl30.GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, result);
return result.get(0) == Gdx.gl.GL_TRUE;
public int getResult(){
inUse = false;
IntBuffer result = BufferUtils.newIntBuffer(1);
Gdx.gl30.glGetQueryObjectuiv(id, Gdx.gl30.GL_QUERY_RESULT, result);
return result.get(0);
public boolean isInUse(){
return inUse;
public void dispose() {
Gdx.gl30.glDeleteQueries(1, new int[]{id},0);
Here is the method where I do the actual test:
private void doOcclusionTest(Camera cam){
int visibleSamples = query.getResult();
if(!query.isInUse()) {
occlusionTestPoint.render(renderer.getPointShader(), cam);
My vertex shader for a point, with logarithmic depth buffer calculations included:
#version 330 core
layout (location = 0) in vec3 aPos;
uniform mat4 modelView;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform float og_farPlaneDistance;
uniform float u_logarithmicDepthConstant;
vec4 modelToClipCoordinates(vec4 position, mat4 modelViewPerspectiveMatrix, float depthConstant, float farPlaneDistance){
vec4 clip = modelViewPerspectiveMatrix * position;
clip.z = ((2.0 * log(depthConstant * clip.z + 1.0) / log(depthConstant * farPlaneDistance + 1.0)) - 1.0) * clip.w;
return clip;
void main()
gl_Position = modelToClipCoordinates(vec4(aPos, 1.0), projection * modelView, u_logarithmicDepthConstant, og_farPlaneDistance);
Fragment shader for a point:
#version 330 core
uniform vec4 color;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = color;
Since I am just testing occlusion for a single point I know that the alternative would be to simply check the depth value of that pixel after everything is rendered. However, I am unsure of how I would calculate the logarithmic z-value of a point on the CPU.
I have found a solution to my problem. It is a workaround, only plausible for single points, not for entire models, but here it goes:
Firstly, you must calculate the z-value of your point and the pixel coordinate where it lies. Calculating the z-value should be straight-forward, however in my case I was using a logarithmic depth buffer. For this reason, I had to make a few extra calculations for the z-value.
Here is my method to get the coordinates in Normalized Device Coordinate, including z-value(temp4f can be any Vector4f):
public Vector4f worldSpaceToDeviceCoords(Vector4f pos){
Matrix4f projection = transformation.getProjectionMatrix(FOV, screenWidth,screenHeight,1f,MAXVIEWDISTANCE);
Matrix4f view = transformation.getViewMatrix(camera);
view.transform(temp4f); //Multiply the point vector by the view matrix
projection.transform(temp4f); //Multiply the point vector by the projection matrix
temp4f.x = ((temp4f.x / temp4f.w) + 1) / 2f; //Convert x coordinate to range between 0 to 1
temp4f.y = ((temp4f.y / temp4f.w) + 1) / 2f; //Convert y coordinate to range between 0 to 1
//Logarithmic depth buffer z-value calculation (Get rid of this if not using a logarithmic depth buffer)
temp4f.z = ((2.0f * (float)Math.log(LOGDEPTHCONSTANT * temp4f.z + 1.0f) /
(float)Math.log(LOGDEPTHCONSTANT * MAXVIEWDISTANCE + 1.0f)) - 1.0f) * temp4f.w;
temp4f.z /= temp4f.w; //Perform perspective division on the z-value
temp4f.z = (temp4f.z + 1)/2f; //Transform z coordinate into range 0 to 1
return temp4f;
And this other method is used to get the coordinates of the pixel on the screen(temp2 is any Vector2f):
public Vector2f projectPoint(Vector3f position){
temp4f.set(worldSpaceToDeviceCoords(temp4f.set(position.x,position.y,position.z, 1)));
//If the point is not visible, return null
if (temp4f.w < 0){
return null;
return temp2f.set(temp4f.x,temp4f.y);
Finally, a method to get the stored depth value at a given pixel(outBuff is any direct FloatBuffer):
public float getFramebufferDepthComponent(int x, int y){
return outBuff.get(0);
So with these methods, what you need to do to find out if a certain point is occluded is this:
Please note that you should draw everything in the scene before sampling the depth buffer, otherwise the extracted depth buffer value will not reflect all that is rendered.