In a script that I write, want to locate C++ functions inside .cpp files by calling findstr
in a python script. I am testing this manually on cmd
inside the project directory where several .cpp and .h files are contained.
by using:
findstr /spinm /C:"werden oder sollen neue Versionen dieser Dateien angelegt werden?\",Project::Plural())" *.cpp
I get the correct .cpp file where the function is contained, let's call it target.cpp.
. However I am writing this python script so users can later go find changes on certain functions, so I need it should show whole path in the output . In a solution I found on stack overflow I used:
for /f "delims=" %a in ('findstr /spinm /C:"werden oder sollen neue Versionen dieser Dateien angelegt werden?\",Project::Plural())" *.cpp') do echo %~fa
)" *.cpp') do echo %~fa was unexpected at this time.
Note that if I use the same command such as:
for /f "delims=" %a in ('findstr /spinm /C:"bool" *.cpp') do echo %~fa
I get a list of all the .cpp along with the full path (what is needed) in that folder and sub directories that use the bool type in them.
So after several hours of brainstorming:
for /f "delims=" %a in ('findstr /spinmr /C:"werden oder sollen neue Versionen dieser Dateien angelegt werden?.*,Project::Plural())" *.cpp') do echo %~fa
I'm not an expert but when I change my string to an expression using /R
option in findstr
and then use .* (wildcard character) it works.
Problem was that although findstr
recognized the \" as a quotation character inside the string this creates problems with cmd when I use it in in(' **findstr command** ')
where 3 quotation marks was expected as an additional string input.