I am using flask with mongoengine and Login Manager for session maintaining. I want to write test cases for authenticated views. can any one help/suggestions regarding this.
First off, I recommend using pytest, and the flask-pytest library which contains some great convenience features to make all of this easier.
flask-pytest comes out of the box with a client
fixture, which, per the docs, refers to Flask.test_client
What you want to do is mimic a valid session (e.g. however you app is validating that a user is "logged in").
Here is how to do this without any supporting libraries:
import app
from flask import url_for
def test_authenticated_route():
app.testing = True
client = app.test_client()
with client.session_transaction() as sess:
# here you can assign whatever you need to
# emulate a "logged in" user...
sess["user"] = {"email": "test_user@example.com"}
# now, you can access "authenticated" endpoints
response = client.get(url_for(".protected_route"))
assert response.status_code == 200
This is also discussed in the Flask docs.