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Structured Edge Detection

I'm trying to implement SED from OpenCV to android but I'm running into an error. So this is the code I'm using and it requires a model file (trained model to detect edges) which is located in the asset folder :

    private Bitmap StructuredDetectEdges (Bitmap bitmap){
    Mat rgba = new Mat();
    Mat edges = new Mat(rgba.size(), CvType.CV_8UC1);
    StructuredEdgeDetection pDollar = createStructuredEdgeDetection("file:///android_asset/SEDmodel.yml");
    Bitmap resultBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(edges.cols(), edges.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    Utils.matToBitmap(edges, resultBitmap);
    return resultBitmap;


and the error that I get is :

Error: Assertion failed (modelFile.isOpened()) in cv::ximgproc::StructuredEdgeDetectionImpl::StructuredEdgeDetectionImpl(const cv::String&, cv::Ptr<const cv::ximgproc::RFFeatureGetter>), file /Users/Chao/opencv_contrib/modules/ximgproc/src/structured_edge_detection.cpp, line 432

any help is much appreciated


  • I solved this problem by making a copy of the model from the asset folder to the phone storage and reading it from there.