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Interpreting the loop condition of custom circular doubly linked list

I have a list inside a structure,

struct A{
    list B;

I also have a pointer to this structure like

struct A *a;

Now, assume the list is already implemented, and its elements are of type elem.

Then, I do the following -

(i) I get the head of the list in nodeL (a pointer of elem type)

elem * nodeL = list_get_head(&(a->B));

(ii) I now loop through the list in this way:

while(nodeL != (elem *)(&a->B)){ // did not get this part ----- I
    ; //some code here
    nodeL = list_get_next(&(a->B), nodeL);

Assume that list_get_head gets the pointer to head of list, and list_get_next gets the pointer to next element of passed second argument elem, of list.

Now my question is:

  1. What is my loop condition here? Till what of list do I hope to loop? (see I) In other words, if &(a->B) is the address of the start of the list, what is &a->B here?

I thought this should loop till end of list, but it doesn't seem like that's what the while loop condition is doing. Also, this is a circular doubly linked list.


  • elem* x = list_get_head(&a->B);
    elem* y = (elem *)(&a->B);

    First at all, how far do x and y differ in your case?

    To be valid at all, first member of list must be of type elem* anyway. I personally would assume that this is the head of the list, but then your while loop won't ever be entered, so it must rather be the tail??? But then your first element considered in the loop is the tail...

    How is an empty list represented? Null pointer? If so, this is not covered by your code.

    while(nodeL != (elem *)(&a->B))

    did not get this part

    Idea is simple: we start iterating at the head, and as long as the head is not reached again, we are still in the loop... Problem is, though, you have to distinguish two situations:

    1. current node is head at start of the loop
    2. current node is head after all elements have been iterated

    I recommend different handling for iterating now:

    elem* nodeL = list_get_head(&a->B);
    if(nodeL) // based on assumption(!): otherwise, empty list
            //some code here
            nodeL = list_get_next(&a->B, nodeL);
        while(nodeL != list_get_head(&a->B));

    One element is guaranteed to be in the list, so we can use it unconditionally (thus a do-while loop). Then we iterate to the next element, until we reach the beginning again. I replaced the suspicious cast by another call to list_get_head, making the whole matter safer (not relying on assumptions any more either).