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Change image of sky every few seconds with an animation

I need change the image of sky every few seconds with an animation.

like this. But without the event click, in my case, i need the change of picture with time.

        <img id="water" src="./3D/letras/Agua.jpg"/>
        <img id="air" src="./3D/letras/Aire.jpg"/>
        <img id="horizont" src="./3D/letras/Horizonte.jpg"/>
        <img id="hector" src="./3D/letras/hecxtor.jpg"/>


  • How about this.
    You make two animations: a fade-in, and a fade-out:

    <a-sky foo>
       <a-animation id="fadein-animation"></a-animation>
       <a-animation id="fadein-animation"></a-animation>

    The idea is to animate the opacity, and when the image is not visible, switch the source:

    AFRAME.registerComponent("foo", {
      init: function() {
        var self = this.el
        var fadeInAnim = document.querySelector("#fadein-animation")
        var fadeOutAnim = document.querySelector("#fadeout-animation")
        var images = ["img1.jpg","img2.jpg"]
        var switchflip = 1
        fadeOutAnim.addEventListener("animationend", (e) => {
          self.setAttribute("material", "src", images[switchflip])
          switchflip = switchflip === 1 ? 0 : 1
        fadeInAnim.addEventListener("animationend", (e) => {

    Working fiddle here.