I've tried to code a very simple Automator service to select all the files with the same extension as the file currently highlighted. It calls an Applescript script that I've written like that (inspired by some code found here actually):
on run {input, parameters}
set anItem to first item of input
tell (info for anItem) to set theExt to name extension
tell application "Finder"
set parentFolder to (parent of anItem as alias)
select (every document file of parentFolder whose (name extension is theExt))
end tell
end try
end run
It runs fine up to the line 'select...' with proper variables parentFolder and theExt. Then I get a beachball. Finder stuck at 100% for ages, I have to kill it and relaunch.
EDIT: I just realized it actually runs fine if the folder contains a few dozen elements. It hangs (even allowed to run for hours) on a large folder of around 10000 elements (obiously you write that kind of code when dealing with a large number of files...).
The Finder is terribly slow when filtering items with the where
This is an alternative using System Events
which is much faster
on run {input, parameters}
set anItem to first item of input
tell application "System Events"
set theExt to name extension of anItem
set parentFolder to path of container of anItem
set itemsToSelect to (path of files of folder parentFolder whose name extension is theExt)
end tell
tell application "Finder"
open parentFolder
select itemsToSelect
end tell
end try
end run
Note: info for
is deprecated for a long time. Getting the information directly from System Events
is preferable.