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React-boilerplate Package versioning mismatch error even though Package updated to required version

I am using react-boilerplate [3.5.0] and trying to install react-toolbox. After installation we are supposed to run command npm run build:dll and now it gives error =>

Building the Webpack DLL...
Your current PostCSS version is 5.2.18, but postcss-modules-scope uses 
6.0.17. Perhaps this is the source of the error below.
Hash: dc615358062d53518c9f
Version: webpack 3.5.5
Time: 24479ms

After that I have even installed the required version [6.0.17] of postcss but still it's giving this error. Here's the log file if it helps.


  • For anyone looking for an answer, it's been told that React boilerplate has no support for Postcss (for now).

    But there is a tried and tested solution by julienben and you can find it on this thread .