I have two db tables one is Item and the other (Unit) is represent all the measure units available for Item table. In this scenario Item table contains a foreign key of Unit table which acts as one to many relation.
With Propel ORM I can join both tables like below and get json result:
$items = ItemQuery::create()
->withColumn("CONCAT (Unit.Name,'-',Unit.Label)", "MUnit")
The output result will be:
"Name":"Item 1",
"Name":"Item 2",
As you can see the column alias MUnit comes out from the unit object to the parent object. But what I exactly need is to keep the alias inside the Unit object like below.
"Name":"Item 1",
"MUnit":"Kilograms-Kg",// here goes...
Any suggestion to achieve the expected out-put would be appreciable. Thank you.
If I change my code to result object collection, then the output will be :
$items = ItemQuery::create()
->withColumn("CONCAT (Unit.Name,'-',Unit.Label)", "MUnit")
#data: array:2 [▼
0 => Item {#323 ▼
#new: false
#deleted: false
#modifiedColumns: []
#virtualColumns: array:1 [▼
"MUnit" => "Kilograms-Kg" // <--- virtual column
#id: 2
#code: "M000002"
#name: "Item 1"
#price: 234.0
#unit_id: 1
#status: true
#aUnit: Unit {#324 ▼
#new: false
#deleted: false
#modifiedColumns: []
#virtualColumns: []
#id: 1
#name: "Kilograms"
#label: "Kg"
#status: true
#collItems: ObjectCollection {#325 ▶}
#collItemsPartial: true
#alreadyInSave: false
#itemsScheduledForDeletion: null
So what I exactly need is to get the virtualColumn
MUnit into the Unit object.
Below approach worked for me :
$items = \ItemQuery::create()
->withColumn("CONCAT (Unit.Name,'-',Unit.Label)", "MUnit")
foreach ($items as $i) {
$i->getUnit()->setVirtualColumn('Asdf', $i->getVirtualColumn('MUnit'));
Result Output :
"Name":"Item 1",
"Asdf":"Kilograms-Kg",// here goes...