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sqlplus - using a bind variable in "IN" clause

I am setting a bind variable in a PL/SQL block, and I'm trying to use it in another query's IN expression. Something like this:

variable x varchar2(255)

    x varchar2(100);
    for r in (select id from other_table where abc in ('&val1','&val2','&val3') ) loop
    x := x||''''||||''',';
    end loop;
    --get rid of the trailing ','
    x:= substr(x,1,length(x)-1);

    select x into :bind_var from dual;

print :bind_var;

select *
from some_table
where id in (:bind_var);

And I get an error (ORA-01722: Invalid number) on the query that tries to use the bind variable in the "IN" list.

The print statement yiels '123','345' which is what I expect.

Is it possible to use the bind variable like this or should I try a different approach?

(using Oracle 10g)


This is for a reconcilliation sort of thing. I want to run

select *
from some_table
where id in (select id from other_table where abc in ('&val1','&val2','&val3'))

before the main part of the script (not pictured here) deletes a whole bunch of records. I want to run it again afterwards to verify that records in some_table have NOT been deleted. However, the data in other_table DOES get deleted by this process so I can't just refer to the data in other_table because there's nothing there. I need a way to preserve the values so that I can verify the parent records afterwards.


  • I would store the's in a PL/SQL table and reference that table in the query afterwards:

    type t_id_table is table OF index by binary_integer;
    v_table t_id_table;
    -- fill the table
    select id
    bulk collect into v_table
    from other_table 
    where abc in ('&val1','&val2','&val3');     
    -- then at a later stage...    
    select *
    from some_table st
    ,    table(cast(v_table AS t_id_table)) idt
    where =;