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XmlSerializer that serializes all and only nested value types properties

I need to serialize a class so that the serialization will include all nested value types properties.

I found it somewhat hard to generalize it in English (Not a native speaker, so an edit to the wording is welcomed), so I'll explain:

  • If the property is of a value type - serialize its name and value
  • If the property is of a Nullable type: If its value is non-null, do as above (Effectively, serialize the Nullable's Value property); else, don't serialize it.

  • If the property is of a class type, serialize the class' properties according to the above, and do not serialize the class name.

For example, this:

public class SerializeMe
    public int A { get; set; }
    public int? B { get; set; }
    public int? C { get; set; }
    public MyClass MyClass { get; set;}

public class MyClass
    public int Z { get; set;}

If instantiated like this:

public static void Main()
    var instance = new SerializeMe
        A = 1,
        B = 3,
        MyClass = new MyClass { Z = 2},

Should be serialized like this:


But I don't know how to do the last bullet, and I end with:


Now, the last bullet requirement invites recursion, but as I understand from this answer, it's the parent class' WriteXml that may be able to omit the <UndesiredTag> tag, while the nested class can't.

So, what I currently have (fiddle):

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.IO;

public class SerializeMe : IXmlSerializable
    public int A { get; set; }
    public int? B { get; set; }
    public int? C { get; set; }
    public MyClass MyClass { get; set;}

    public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
        Program.WriteXml<SerializeMe>(writer, this);      
    public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader) {}    
    public XmlSchema GetSchema() { return null; }

public class Nested : Attribute

public class MyClass : IXmlSerializable
    public int Z { get; set;}

    public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
        Program.WriteXml<MyClass>(writer, this);
    public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader) {}    
    public XmlSchema GetSchema() { return null; }

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var s = XmlSerialize<SerializeMe>(new SerializeMe
            A = 1,
            B = 3,
            MyClass = new MyClass { Z = 2},
    public static string XmlSerialize<T>(T entity) where T : class
        XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
        settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;

        XmlSerializer xsSubmit = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sw, settings))
            var xmlns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
            xmlns.Add(string.Empty, string.Empty);

            xsSubmit.Serialize(writer, entity, xmlns);
            return sw.ToString();

    public static void WriteXml<T>(XmlWriter writer, T obj)
        PropertyInfo[] props = obj.GetType().GetProperties();
        foreach (var prop in props)
            var val = prop.GetValue(obj);
            if (val != null)
                if (prop.PropertyType.IsValueType || 
                    prop.PropertyType.IsGenericType && 
                    prop.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
                    writer.WriteElementString(prop.Name, val.ToString());
                    if (prop.PropertyType.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(Nested)) != null)
                        writer.WriteStartElement("UndesiredTag"); // If only I could use an empty string...

Note that my current code assumes only one level of nesting. If you think you can solve my issue using a recursion, it would be better - since you'd allow multiple nesting levels.


  • Since you override all default serialization anyway, it seems simpler to me to just ditch XmlSerializer and do it completely on your own.

    public static void Main()
        var s = XmlSerialize(new SerializeMe
            A = 1,
            B = 3,
            MyClass = new MyClass { Z = 2 },
    public static string XmlSerialize(object entity)
        var buf = new StringBuilder();
        using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(buf, new XmlWriterSettings() {
            OmitXmlDeclaration = true,
            Indent = true
            WriteElement(writer, entity);
        return buf.ToString();
    static void WriteElement(XmlWriter writer, object obj)
        WriteElementProperties(writer, obj);
    static void WriteElementProperties(XmlWriter writer, object obj)
        foreach (var prop in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
            var val = prop.GetValue(obj);
            if (val != null)
                if (prop.PropertyType.IsValueType ||
                    prop.PropertyType.IsGenericType &&
                    prop.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
                    writer.WriteElementString(prop.Name, val.ToString());
                    if (prop.PropertyType.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(Nested)) != null)
                        WriteElementProperties(writer, val);
                    } else {
                        WriteElement(writer, val);