I am trying to check if folder exist if not the system create it and a JSON file will be written inside this folder.
The problem is that the system create an empty folder and displays this error:
the selected file is not readble because : [WinError 183] Cannot
create a file when that file already exists: './search_result'
'NoneType' object is not iterable
is the result of: print(searchResultFoder)
The code is:
if not(os.path.exists("./search_result")):
today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d__%H-%M")
jsonFileName = "{}_searchResult.json".format(today)
fpJ = os.path.join(os.mkdir("./search_result"),jsonFileName)
with open(fpJ,"a") as jsf:
print("finish writing")
Issues with code :
Case Directory Doesn't exist : os.mkdir("./search_result")
in fpJ =
nothing you have assumed it will return you the path of the created
folder. which is incorrect.
Case Directory exists : In case when condition if not(os.path.exists("./search_result")):
is false json file name will be undefined and throw and exception
. Full working example of code which is doing the following. 1) check if folder exist if not create it 2) write the JSON FILE inside this created folder.
import json
import os
import time
jsondata = json.dumps({"somedata":"Something"})
folderToCreate = "search_result"
today = time.strftime("%Y%m%d__%H-%M")
jsonFileName = "{}_searchResult.json".format(today)
if not(os.path.exists(os.getcwd()+os.sep+folderToCreate)):
fpJ = os.path.join(os.getcwd()+os.sep+folderToCreate,jsonFileName)
with open(fpJ,"a") as jsf:
print("finish writing")
Hope this helps