I am trying to create a form that on the load, an input box appears so that I can input a stock number. From there, I want to take the stock number and have it appear as a read-only text box on the form. After that, I want that user to be able to press a button that they can enter another stock number. The problem that I am having is that when I click the button that will allow you to enter another stock number, the form does not update with the new information. I know what I am missing something, but I can not put my finger on it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This happens on the load
Private Sub Contract_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
DocName = C1Report1.Document.DocumentName
Me.Text = DocName & " - " & DealID
mFormInfo = SetValues(DocName, Me, DealID)
End Try
myDeal = Infinity.Finance.Calc.Deal.GetDealNumber(DealID)
myFinance = Infinity.Entity.TotalEntity.GetEntity(myDeal.FinanceCompany)
myVeh = Infinity.Vehicle.Inventory.VehicleUnit.GetVehicleUnit(myDeal.DealVehicles(0).VehID)
myDealership = Infinity.CompanyInfo.Company.GetCompany(myDeal.CompanyNumber)
Dim StkNumber As String = InputBox("Please Enter Stock Number", DocName & " - " & DealID, UltraTextEditor22.Text)
StkNumber = UltraTextEditor22.Text
UltraTextEditor22.ReadOnly = True
End Try
End Sub
This is the event for the button click
Private Sub btnNewStockNum_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNewStockNum.Click
Dim NewStkNumber As String = InputBox("Please Enter Stock Number", DocName & " - " & DealID, UltraTextEditor22.Text)
NewStkNumber = UltraTextEditor22.Text
UltraTextEditor22.ReadOnly = True
End Sub
You are setting the value of the variable that retrieves the input from the user to the value of the textbox. You need to do the opposite of that:
Dim NewStkNumber As String = InputBox("Please Enter Stock Number", DocName & " - " & DealID, UltraTextEditor22.Text)
UltraTextEditor22.Text = NewStkNumber