I am trying to calculate the tax of a numerical value extracted with xpath, to save it in a csv file, but I do not know what I am doing wrong or if I need to add something else.
This the code:
import math
for ntp in response.css('div.content-1col-nobox'):
price1 = ntp.xpath('normalize-space(//tr[2]/td[@id="right_cell"][1])').extract()[0].split(None,1)[0].replace(",",".")
tax = price1 * 0.22
price = price1 + tax
'*StartPrice': price,\
and this is the error that I get:
tax = price1 * 0.22
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
Any help will be appreciate it.
Lacking your data, this would be my suggestion:
import math
list_prices = ['11.15', '15.00', '1.1111']
taxed_prices = []
for price1 in list_prices:
taxed = float(price1) * 1.22 # note that "* 1.22" saves you one step vis-a-vis "price *0.22 + price"