I am using Redshift and want to receive the last non-Null value by userid.
Here is an example dataset:
Date UserID Value
4-18-2018 abc 1
4-19-2018 abc NULL
4-20-2018 abc NULL
4-21-2018 abc 8
4-19-2018 def 9
4-20-2018 def 10
4-21-2018 def NULL
4-22-2018 tey NULL
4-23-2018 tey 2
If the new user starts out with a NULL then replace with 0.
I want my final dataset to look like this:
Date UserID Value
4-18-2018 abc 1
4-19-2018 abc 1
4-20-2018 abc 1
4-21-2018 abc 8
4-19-2018 def 9
4-20-2018 def 10
4-21-2018 def 10
4-22-2018 tey 1
4-23-2018 tey 2
Any help would be great thanks!
You can do this with lag()
and the ignore nulls
select date, userid,
coalesce(value, lag(value ignore nulls) over (partition by userid order by date)) as value
from t;
If the values are increasing, you can also use a cumulative maximum:
select date, userid,
max(value) over (partition by userid order by date) as value
from t;