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Git Diff get list of only INI files - Windows 7

This is how I used it when I was on Mac.

git diff refs/tags/l-build..HEAD --name-only $(find . -name *\.ini)  >> log.txt

But I am moving back to Windows. And I get this error using git-bash

fatal: ambiguous argument '$(find': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'

i think there would be no problems with Windows Bash on Windows 10 but I have to use Windows 7 because of limitations of some important software I have to use daily in my work.


  • Use this command to filter out .ini files first then apply the git diff command.

    git ls-files -m | grep '.ini'

    Combinedly, as below :

    git diff `git ls-files -m | grep .ini`