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Execute python file from another python file by passing argument as variable

In the below code, I am trying to take the path name (inclusive of file name) and converting them to another path name with text file.

Now I would like to pass both variable as argument for another py which will take it as argument

import os

thisdir=[os.path.join(r,file) for r,d,f in 
os.walk("C:\\Users\\vnitin\\OneDrive - NetApp Inc\\IDP\\Files\\") for file 
in f]
for i in range(len(thisdir)):
    text_path = thisdir[i].replace('pdf', 'txt')
    os.system('py -o text_path thisdir[i]')

But individual command for works very well.

py .\ -o 'C:\Users\vnitin\OneDrive - NetApp Inc\IDP\Files\11.txt'  
'C:\Users\vnitin\OneDrive - NetApp Inc\IDP\Files\11.pdf'


  • since thisdir[i] is not converted to its value during execution, so the error No such file or directory

    Replace os.system('py -o text_path thisdir[i]') with

    os.system("python ./ -o {0} {1}".format(text_path,thisdir[i]))