When a package, e.g., Examples
, is deleted in OpenModelica, the underlying directory is not removed. Instead, directory Examples
contains a file named package.bak-mo
to indicate that the directory is not used any more. So a backup is kept. If a file package.bak-mo
exists in a folder, this folder plus its files shall be excluded from the git commit process.
├── Sub1
│ └── package.mo
│ └── package.order
│ └── Examples
│ └── package.bak-mo
│ └── otherfile.mo
│ └── package.order
├── Sub2
│ └── package.mo
│ └── package.order
│ └── Demo
│ └── otherfile.mo
│ └── package.mo
│ └── package.order
In this example the following directory plus files shall be excluded from git commit:
│ └── Examples
│ └── package.bak-mo
│ └── otherfile.mo
│ └── package.order
All other files and directories shall still be included in a possible git commit.
Note: This issue is triggered by https://trac.openmodelica.org/OpenModelica/ticket/4854
I could not figure out how to make this working. Any ideas here?
This can be done with pre-commit hook . To create the hook run
$ touch .git/hooks/pre-commit
$ chmod a+x .git/hooks/pre-commit
Add the following code
path_with_pattern=$(git diff --cached --find-copies --find-renames --name-only --diff-filter=ACR | grep "\.bak-mo$")
if [[ -n $path_with_pattern ]];
for path in $path_with_pattern; do
folder=$(echo $path | sed 's/\/[^\/]*\.bak-mo$//')
echo "Found OpenModelica backup folder: $folder"
git reset HEAD $folder
echo "Unstaged: $folder"
rm -rf $folder # Consider adding some confirmation here (use at your own risk)
echo "Removed: $folder"
# or safer option add to .gitignore instead of removing
# echo $folder >> .gitignore
Caution: This code needs more testing i haven't tested this code as much as needed (only against the example you provided)