When the Facebook app is not installed, canShareVia method should invoke the error callback, which is working perfectly with my iPhone5s running iOS 10.
When I test it on iPhone5s running iOS 11.2, it is always invoking the success callback in both the cases where the Facebook app is installed and Not installed.
A Cordova mobile app
Device information
Sample code
window.plugins.socialsharing.canShareVia('', 'msg', null, null, null,
function(success) {
do some stuff....
}, function(error) {
Please let me know if any work around has been found.
Found the cause:
This plugin always returns true since iOS11. So we might need another way to detect if there is an app installed and available.
Get it to work with cordova-plugin-appavailability.
You can implement this way (Appavailability plugin to check Facebook app availability and social sharing plugin to do the actual sharing).
function() { // Success callback
function() { // Error callback
console.log('Facebook App is not available');
Though this is a work around but not a fix, this is the only way for now until the fix gets merged to cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing.