When trying to use a conditional copy_if
algorithm to copy only the values that are lower than mean of values in a vector into another vector, I hit a snag with my function object:
struct Lower_than_mean
double mean;
double sum = accumulate(d1.begin(), d1.end(), 0.0);
mean = sum / (d1.size());
bool operator()(double& x)
return x < mean;
int main()
vector<double>vd{ 3.4,5.6, 7, 3,4,5.6,9,2 };
copy_if(vd.begin(), vd.end(), vd2, Lower_than_mean(vd));
What is the right way of going about this?
You used vd
instead of vd.begin()
in the call to std::copy_if
But, seriously, you didn't bother to even read your compiler output...
Also, like @zch suggests - your approach doesn't make sense: Don't keep re-calculating the mean again and again. Instead, calculate it once, and then your function becomes as simple [mean](double x) { return x < mean; }