I need to know how do I send a bulk SMS using Twilio API and C#.I did some research which also show that I need to use Twilio’s Passthrough API, but I fail to understand it. Here is the code I compiled:
const string accountSid = "xxxxx";
const string authToken = "xxxxx";
TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);
MessageResource.Create(to: new PhoneNumber("+27" + txtTo.Text),
from: new PhoneNumber("xxxxx"),
body: txtMessage.Text,
provideFeedback: true,
statusCallback: new Uri("http://requestb.in/1234abcd"));
MessageBox.Show("Message sent successfully");
You can't do this way. You have to loop through your subscribers list and send it one by one or by using a parallel foreach:
var subscriber = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
{"+3912345678", "John"},
{"+3917564237", "Mark"},
{"+3915765311", "Ester"}
// Iterate over subscribers
foreach (var person in subscriber)
// Send a new outgoing SMS by POSTing to the Messages resource
from: new PhoneNumber("555-555-5555"), // From number, must be an SMS-enabled Twilio number
to: new PhoneNumber(person.Key), // To number, if using Sandbox see note above
// Message content
body: $"Hello {person.Value}");
Console.WriteLine($"Sent message to {person.Value}");