I'm getting the following error while using JSONDecodable in swift4. "Type UserRegister does not confirm to protocol 'Decodable' "
My Model Structure looks like this.
struct UserRegister: Decodable {
let id : NSInteger
let name : String?
let email : String?
let cities : Array<Any>?
let tax : [tax]
let username : [username]
struct tax : Decodable {
let deviceId : NSInteger?
let financialYear : String?
let country : String?
let name : String?
let state : String?
let taxCode : String?
let value : NSInteger?
struct username : Decodable {
let email : String?
let phone : String?
The problem is the Array<Any>
. You need an array of some Decodable type, such as String or Int.