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graphql role based authorization

I'm new to GraphQL and going to build a solution using GraphQL.

Everything looks cool but just concerned on how to implement the role based authorization inside GraphQL server (I'm considering using GraphQL.js/ apollo server)

I will have a users table which contains all users. Inside the users table there's a roles field which contains the roles of the particular user. The queries and mutations will be granted based on the roles of the user.

How can I implement this structure?



  • I've recently implemented role based authorisation by using GraphQL Shield, I found that using that package was the simplest way to do it. Otherwise you could add custom schema directives, here's a good article on how to do that:

    There are a few steps you need to take to setup GraphQL Shield:

    1 - Write an authentication function, here's a rough example you'll want to be doing much more than this i.e using JWTs and not passing the id:

    export const isAdmin = async ({ id }) => {
      try {
        const exists = await ctx.db.exists.User({
          id: userId,
          role: 'ADMIN',
        return exists
      } catch (err) {
        return false

    2 - In the file where you export all of your mutations and queries add the check:

    const resolvers = {
     ...your queries and mutations
    const permissions = {
       Query: {
         myQuery: isAdmin
    export default shield(resolvers, permissions);

    This will now the isAdmin function every time your Query is requested.

    I hope that helps