Today i did a composer update on my project. During updating dektrium return error : here is my composer:
"name": "my company",
"description": "my company website",
"keywords": ["computers", "advanced", "web design"],
"homepage": "here is a link",
"type": "project",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"forum": "",
"wiki": "",
"irc": "irc://",
"source": ""
"minimum-stability": "stable",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4.0",
"yiisoft/yii2": ">=2.0.6",
"yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap": "*",
"yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer": "*",
"kartik-v/yii2-widget-fileinput": "@dev",
"omgdef/yii2-multilingual-behavior": "~2.0",
"yiisoft/yii2-imagine": "~2.0.0",
"dektrium/yii2-user": "0.9.*@dev",
"kartik-v/yii2-widget-select2": "@dev",
"dektrium/yii2-rbac": "dev-master",
"geoip2/geoip2" : "~2.0",
"maxmind-db/reader" : "~1.0",
"skeeks/yii2-mobile-detect": "*",
"kartik-v/yii2-widget-alert": "*",
"jlorente/yii2-widget-remainingcharacters": "*",
"himiklab/yii2-recaptcha-widget": "*",
"kartik-v/yii2-export": "^1.2"
"require-dev": {
"yiisoft/yii2-codeception": "*",
"yiisoft/yii2-debug": "*",
"yiisoft/yii2-gii": "*",
"yiisoft/yii2-faker": "*"
"config": {
"process-timeout": 1800
"extra": {
"asset-installer-paths": {
"npm-asset-library": "vendor/npm",
"bower-asset-library": "vendor/bower"
The error is :
"Update failed ( Failed to execute git show-ref --head -d fatal: unexpected line in .git/packed-refs: ^4c5c383f577256d34cbc37ed26809a8ff109b2ec? ) Would you like to try reinstalling the package instead [yes]?
[RuntimeException] Failed to execute git show-ref --head -d
fatal: unexpected line in .git/packed-refs: ^4c5c383f577256d34cbc37ed26809a 8ff109b2ec? "
and after that the updating is stop ... i dont know what to do ...
How can I fix this error? Thanks.
Try these steps:
directory from your project.composer clear-cache
command.composer install