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Plotting Quantum Harmonic Oscillator in Mathematica

How can I make the plot for quantum harmonic oscillator using Mathematica? I would like to draw similar looking plot like the attached figure.

Harmonic Oscillator


  • Energy[n_] := (2 n + 1) ℏ/2 ω;
    ψ[z_, n_] := 
      1/2 1/Sqrt[2^n n!] ((m ω)/(π ℏ))^(1/4)
        Exp[-((m ω z^2)/(2 ℏ))] HermiteH[n, Sqrt[(m ω)/ℏ] z];
    m = 1;
    ω = 1;
    ℏ = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "PlanckConstant"], "SIBase"];
    ℏ = QuantityMagnitude[ℏ];
    ℏ = 1;
    Plot[{Evaluate@Table[Energy[n] + ψ[z, n], {n, 0, 5}], 
      Evaluate@Table[Energy[n], {n, 0, 5}], z^2/2}, {z, -5, 5}, 
     PlotRange -> {0, 7}, 
     PlotStyle -> 
      Join[{Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Cyan}, 
       Table[{Gray, Opacity[0.3]}, {n, 0, 5}], {Black}],
     Filling -> {1 -> Energy[0], 2 -> Energy[1]}]

    quantum oscillator