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Frequency tables to latex

I have data in R and I'd like to create a nice frequency tables of each variable.

For example, variable Male with values 0 and 1 and how many of them there are. (After that, ideally to rename the rows.) And then export it to latex. I found nice function prop.table , however I am not able to switch rows and columns and export it to latex.

I know that stargazer which I use for regression output is also able to do this, but there are also Max Min Stan dev, I don't want to have in the table. What would you recommend to me?

There is an illustrative "table" how I would like to have the output.

Table Male

Item Number Per Cent


And finally also give all variables into one table. Instead of 0 and 1 would be names of variables.


  • Suppose I have two variable male and female, and I want to know if they bought soup or not, 1 if I buy, 0 if I do not buy. I create a data.frame df, then I use the prop.table function that you suggest, finally I change the values of 0 and 1 in rownames.

    df = data.frame(Male = rbinom(10,1,0.6), Female = rbinom(10,1,0.4))
    ## Male Female
    ## 1 1 0
    ## 2 0 0
    ## 3 1 1
    ## 4 1 0
    ## 5 0 0
    ## 6 0 1
    ## 7 1 1
    ## 8 0 0
    ## 9 1 0
    ## 10 1 0
    tab = rbind(t(t(prop.table(table(df$Male))*100)),sum(prop.table(table(df$Male))*100))
    rownames(tab) <- c("No Soup","Soup","Total")
    colnames(tab) <- "Item Number Per Cent"
    t1 = xtable(tab,caption = "Male", digits = 0)
    print(t1, caption.placement = "top", comment = FALSE)

    enter image description here

    The final result is similar to the expected output.You can control the number of digits in the table, with the digits function.