I couldn't find this question anywhere - please let me know if it's a duplicate.
I'm trying to figure out why the exit code ($?) is 0 in this Bash if statement, when obviously doesn't exist:
if [[ `ping -c 1` ]];then
echo "Yes - $?"
echo "No - $?"
Yes - 0
After experimenting with if [[ ` ` ]] a little bit, it looks like it's evaluating true if there is ever any output on stdout
, whether the output was desired or not, whether an error was returned or not. I'd thought that testing for exit code $?
would alleviate that problem, but apparently not?
If you run ping -c 1;echo $?
you'll get the proper exit code, 1
. Why doesn't that show up in my if statement?
You aren't checking the exit code of ping
; you are checking if it wrote anything to standard output. You code is equivalent to
if [[ -n $(ping -c 1 ]]; then
and $?
is the exit code of [[ ... ]]
(which is why you ended up in the "Yes" branch in the first place).
To check the exit code, don't capture the output, and don't use it inside a [[ ... ]]
if ping -c 1; then