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gocql - using Cassandra 3 timeuuid functions

In cqlsh I can execute something like:

SELECT id FROM names WHERE name = 'dave' AND id > maxTimeuuid('2015-04-05 00:05') AND id < minTimeuuid('2019-01-01 00:05');

... this returns a list as expected.


However I am struggling to get this to work in gocql:

var found bool = false
m := map[string]interface{}{}
qString := "SELECT id FROM names WHERE name=? AND id > maxTimeuuid(?) AND id < minTimeuuid(?);"
query := Cassandra.Sessionds.Query(qString, name, toFrom.From, toFrom.To).Consistency(gocql.One)
fmt.Println("sending IsRunning query: " + query.String())
iterable := query.Iter()
for iterable.MapScan(m) {
    found = true
    lookupTable = HostLookup {
        Id:     m["id"].(gocql.UUID),

Even though the debug line looks ok,

sending IsRunning query: [query statement="SELECT id FROM names WHERE name=? AND id > maxTimeuuid(?) AND id < minTimeuuid(?);" values=[dave 2015-04-05 00:05 2019-01-01 00:05] consistency=ONE]

... I always end up with an empty iterable. I am using very similar code elsewhere successfully, the difference here are the timeuuid functions. I've tried various arrangements with literal quotes to no avail, any advice is appreciated.


  • When I looked at the iterable in more detail I found :

    "can not marshal string into timestamp"

    ... this led me to the answer - GoCQL : Marshal string into timestamp