I have a simple view:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ApplicationSummary]
ISNULL(AVG(ApplicationTime), 0) AS 'AvgApplicationTime',
ISNULL(AVG(ResponseTime), 0) AS 'AvgResponseTime',
ISNULL(CAST(1.0 * COUNT(CASE WHEN [IsAccepted] = 1 THEN 1 END) / COUNT(*) AS float), 0) AS 'PctAccepted'
(IsValid = 1)
AND (CreatedOn < CAST(GETDATE() AS date)
AND CreatedOn >= CAST(GETDATE()-30 AS date))
The idea is that it outputs 3 variables. The first 2 are simple 'averages', whereas the last one, 'PctAccepted' outputs a ratio.
I'm testing a table containing 4 rows — 3 of them are set to IsAccepted = true, so the result is 0.75 (3/4), which converts to 75%.
I'm trying to remove the need for a view and replicate it using Linq over my Entity Framework class.
Here is the important stuff from the query:
var startDate = DateTime.Today;
var endDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30);
var q = r.Find(x => x.IsValid &&
x.CreatedOn < startDate && x.CreatedOn >= endDate)
.GroupBy(x => x)
.Select(g => new
AvgApplicationTime = (int)g.Average(i => i.ApplicationTime),
AvgResponseTime = (int)g.Average(i => i.ResponseTime),
ApprovalRatio = g.Count(i => i.IsAccepted == true) / (double)g.Count()
return new ApplicationStats(q.AvgApplicationTime, q.AvgResponseTime, q.ApprovalRatio);
So far, I have the two averages outputting correctly, but the ratio is returning 1 (or 100%).
Initially, I thought it may be a rounding issue but I've outputted the result of this line: g.Count(i => i.IsAccepted == true)
and it incorrectly returns 1.
I may have grouping in the wrong place, but am currently struggling to make it work.
Any help appreciated.
Found the answer.
Changed .GroupBy(x => x)
to .GroupBy(x => 1)
Also g.Count(i => i.IsAccepted == true)
can be simplified to g.Count(i => i.IsAccepted)