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Redux getState in action not working

I'm getting a bit confused with getState() in redux. I am using the thunk middleware.

I have an auth action which is an async action. But I have an action which runs before which checks if a token exists in state and if its still valid.

My problem is i can't seem to check the state when I have called the action. Thought I could just use getState but that doesn't seem to be a function.


componentDidMount() {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
  return {
    authCheck: () => checkApiStatus()(dispatch)


export const checkApiStatus = () => (dispatch, getState) => {
  const expires_at = getState().api.expires_at
  if (!expires_at || isDateGreater(expires_at)) {
    // dispatch async action

Anyone have any ideas. Or perhaps better way of implementing something like this?



  • The problem is you explicitly calling the returned function in you mapDispatchToProps method and passing only one argument. Instead call dispatch(checkApiStatus()) then redux-thunk will take care of passing the right arguments to the returned method. Should look like this

    function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
      return {
        authCheck: () => dispatch(checkApiStatus())