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Static reward amount for AdMob's Rewarded Video Ad

My AdMob's Rewarded Video Ad unit is configured to reward the value 20, as can be seen in the following screenshot, taken from my AdMob's console:

enter image description here

Though, after a successful reward callback, I get the value 10 as the reward amount:

enter image description here

I currently use test ads, therefore I assume that the value 10 is the default amount for a Rewarded Video test Ad, but couldn't confirm this as a fact.

Is that true, or am I missing something? I would like to be sure that the correct amount will be used in production.


  • I took the risk and just published my app to the Play Store and I can confirm that the Rewarded Video Ad is now working as expected - the RewardItem provided in onRewarded is indeed packed with the configured value that was set in AdMob.