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How to use OpenSSL to generate SHARSA1 base64 signature

I have generated a public/private keypair with OpenSSL. I want to use the private key now to sign my message using OpenSSL, and I was thinking to stay in a bash environment. I am required to use SHA-RSA1.

So far, I was suggested the following code but I am not happy with it:

 openssl.exe dgst -sha1 -sign C:\...\path\to\key\privatekey.pem -binary C:\...\path\to\message\message.txt

I don't want to have my message be stored in a file (message.txt) to generate a signature and in any case, I would need to use openssl base64 afterwards to get the base64 representation.

Is there a more proper way to achieve what I want (and a one liner would be great)?


  • Use openssl itself to encode base64

    echo "$msg" | openssl dgst ... -binary | openssl enc -base64