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Calling notifyItemChanged() on a RecyclerView.Adapter from another class

I have a RecyclerView in AdapterActivity. After clicking on any of its items, I update that item using my AlertDialogShow#UpdateStudent() method. My problem is that I can not refresh the Adapter inside the UpdateStudent() method using notifyItemChanged().

How can I refresh the Adapter from another class that does not have direct access to the Adapter?

In the AdapterActivity with the RecyclerView:

holder.itemView.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
        public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
            AlertDialogShow show =
                new AlertDialogShow(context, database, studentData, performanceData);
            show.UpdateStudent(studentName, studentId, classId, position);

The AlertDialogShow class:

public class AlertDialogShow {

    Context context;
    DatabaseHandler database;
    List<StudentTable> studentData;

    public AlertDialogShow(Context context, DatabaseHandler database,
                           List<StudentTable> studentData , List<PerformanceTable> performanceData) {
        this.context = context;
        this.database = database;
        this.studentData = studentData;
        this.performanceData = performanceData;

    public AlertDialog UpdateStudent(final String studentName, final String studentId, 
                                     final int classId , final int position) {
        AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
        View viewLayout = LayoutInflater.from(context)
                                        .inflate(R.layout.alertdialog_edit_class_or_student , null);

        final AlertDialog alertDialog = dialog.create();

        Button editStudent_btn = (Button)viewLayout.findViewById(;

        editStudent_btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {
                    database.UpdateStudentDatabase(classId , studentId_new , studentId, studentName_new);

                    StudentTable studentTable = studentData.get(position);
                    studentData.set(position , studentTable);
                    //notifyItemChanged(position); <-- cannot define this line

        return alertDialog;


  • Updating RecyclerView adapter can only be done in adapter itself or through adapters instance in your Activity. To reach those methods you need to use interfaces like so:

    public class AlertDialogShow {
        public interface OnItemChange {
            void notifyAdapter(int position);
        private OnItemChange listener;
        public AlertDialogShow(...) {
            this.listener = (MyActivity)context;

    Then write an implementation for OnItemChange interface in your Activity like so:

    public class MyActivity extends ... implements AlertDialogShow.OnItemChange {
        public void notifyAdapter(int position) {
            // Notify your adapter item change here
            // e.g.: adapter.notifyItemChanged(position);

    Then you can use OnItemChange listener in your AlertDialogShow class like so:


    This will call notifyAdapter(int position) method in your Activity and execute code that you have written there.

    Good luck.