We have an architecture whereby we have a traffic manager in front of two Azure application gateways and configured based on Priority (closer proximity has higher priority). We are using Application Gateway for path based routing to multiple web apps. if one of the web apps (backend pool) under application gateways is down , traffic manager keeps directing the traffic to the same application gateway although the requests are failing. I am guessing traffic manager is only probing the default backend pool ? anyone knows how to configure the traffic manager in this case so it re-routes the traffic to second location when requests are failing in first priority locaiton ?
Traffic Manager probes can take a path but I am assuming you have configured multiple paths for different webapps. What you are looking for is a setup where if a path is down, Traffic Manager should route to the second Application Gateway. This is difficult to setup unless you had a dedicated webapp which responds healthy/unhealthy status based off the aggregated health of all the path based webapps.